January 25th, 1995
Currently listening to: 99 Luftballons - Nena
Happy New Year! Today is the day I set as my goal for having a complete and effective fallout shelter, and I’m happy to report that I’ve done so! I just returned from buying the last dozen cans of food I needed to fill out the shelf completely.
Earlier this month, I got a portable propane stove to put in the shelter. I wanted to ensure that it was as safe as possible, since having open flames and flammable gas in a confined space is obviously hazardous. I put the stove near the air intake (but far from the wooden frame of the bunk), and I got a small carbon monoxide detector to place nearby.

I bought a decent radio as well, and made sure it would pick up a signal through the layers of dirt and concrete. The only place I could reliably pick up a steady signal was near the emergency exit, so that’s where I put it. It was nice to have some music playing while I organized the supplies I gathered throughout the rest of the month :)

Even though I’ve succeeded in setting up this shelter, I won’t abandon this website. I’m planning on assembling and linking as many resources as I can, and I’m sure there will be updates or changes I’ll want to make as time goes on. Perhaps I’ll even try to construct a shelter from scratch someday! So if you accompanied me on this journey so far, thank you, and make sure to check back in often!